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With work you could sell this!

Finding the balance is hard but its do able. I heard people complaining about not being able to get past the second wave because of the mine drains health mechanic., however I like that and after playing a few times you can really get going and it gets super fun!

I also like that just progression in the game isn't just more health more damage but different weapons', ability's (party time is the best) and constantly getting faster pace.

The only design problem I have with it is that you can use the shop when paused. As of right now if you took that feature away the game would be to hard but maybe longer wave brake time or the early game waves are easier.

I Believe this a very fun game it was confusing when i first started not knowing relly how to play but when i learn how to it was a lot of fun and i didn't really find much to critic besides maby how do we avoid damage will fighting back but i probably just didn't play enuf to find the answer to that

Fun game!

I love the art style and music, both give off a sort of clean arcade feel that matches the gameplay very well.

Primary concern is balancing. The enemy will usually deal over 200 damage to you before you can get any kind of defenses to fight back, and from there it only gets ore difficult as the enemies are too fast and have too much range. by the time you can properly fight back you will usually only have 100 health left, and then you will soon lose due to the mines draining you.

Quality stuff! Not only is it playable, it's gameplay is pretty deep. It gets good once it get's going, but the beginning is rough. Right off the bat, I was a bit confused about how to begin. I was clicking around the very dense UI to no avail, and I couldn't move. I had to be told to buy the mine first, but I'm not sure I would've figured that out on my own. For much of the early game, I was essentially playing bumper carts with the enemies waiting for more money, and then I died :(

This was all before being told how to play, however. Once I got insider info (buy like 50 mines) the game really got going. I don't really have any gameplay issues after this point. It's fun! And the party mode and splash text are absurd!

Each bit of art is nice on their own, but there's a noticeable lack of cohesion. Given the complexity of the game, the UI was pretty well organized, although I think more visual emphasis should be put on vital parts like the mines and thrusters.

Music is a banger as always!!! Feels cool, has a satisfying stucture, and loops nicely. One complaint: after a few minutes of gameplay, the harsh synth does get a little grating.